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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Victoria Beckham, cellulite on display

Mal town, half joy. Provides a well-known and will be told why, on the eve of summer fullest, near the fearsome costume test, the gossip magazines are starting to proliferate articles and photos on celebrities cellulite, they do so to please girls and women because after all, if the cellulite invades the thighs of a magrissima limits dell'anoressia like Victoria Beckham, I do not see how it could not undermining the appearance of any human being of female gender. 

Here is that the British online magazine pilloried newsoftheworld puts the poor Posh Spice, while all the girls in London have just remade the eyes with the gigantic photoshoppata husband David Beckham beautiful and impossible, in the new Emporio Armani underwear and in her abdomen sculpted even newer brand. 

ow it all the annoying cellulite and orange peel skin, which is caught by the paparazzi, pointing above the knee than on bony nipples that appear straight in the t-shirt semi-transparent, Victoria Beckham is guilty to have the veins of the feet and hands too much in evidence. Fault of poor circulation, genetics, age and three children, experts say. Despite all this, however, Posh Spice is always in perfect shape and is held close a husband who stands in slip on the posters, arousing the envy of thousands of women 

Published Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 1:13 pm in the Chamber Players, Singers, Celebrities, Trivia, Photos, Press and Media, Foreign Gossip, Gossip News, Accidents, Models, News, Before and After, Scoop, Designers and models, without Vip trick. You can follow comments to this article through the feed RSS 2.0. You can leave a comment, or make a trackback from your own site.

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