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Friday, June 12, 2009

Barack Obama and the similar neckties

Solid reductions in price and that make throat also to the staff of Barack Obama, when it is spoken about neckties: an offered interesting on linens that it has carried many similar neckties in the entourage

When the neckties are discounted, they are ghiotte for all. Ghiottissime…
With a little of critical eye and attention to the saving, to acquire in offer means also to acquire with intelligence.

Barack Obama, the president of the United States, always beautifulst and elegant, in the last days, to its presences to the events, has worn neckties all of blue color, with lines black white women and. It and the other members of its staff have always put on these neckties style regimental, much similar if not identical between they.
And still the minister of the Treasure Timothy Geithner and the governor of the Fed Very Bernanke had the same type of neckties, sfoggiate some day before.

The reason of these strange multiple coincidences of neckties is not sure in a insufficient originality or laziness of the men of being able Americans, but of a special and economically tempting offer on the Internet site of Brooks Brothers, the fashionable house for USA man acquired of recent from the family Of Old (the Luxottica): a reduction in price a lot interesting that seems has made throat also to great part of the group and staff the American and obamiano: 75 dollars for a necktie and 30% of reduction in price on the second one. And good necktie to all.

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