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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It disappears parure Dior on a photographic set with Lindsay Lohan

The British police will very interrogate American actress Lindsay Lohan on the passing of parure of the value 300mila euro (250mila pounds) on a prepared photographic set for the fashionable review Elle.
Collier of worn coordinated diamonds and a brace of orecchini from the scalmanata and young actress - The Sun writes tabloid - is in fact disappeared in the nothing after the service of 6 saturdays june to the Big Sky Studios of London.
Moreover, what that renders the matter still stranger, the agents have been perceived two days after the theft. Probably, therefore, they will be calls to testify also a ten of persons of the staff.

He seems that the manager of Dior, brand that has created and lend the precious monili for the releases of Lindsay, they are furious. The star, than meantime it seems to be of new with to the companion-dj Sam Ronson, is returned to Los Angeles quickly after the service.
The fashionable review has emphasized in an official notice not to have some reason to believe that the Lohan is tied to the theft. For the time being the interested one has not released declarations in purpose.

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