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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lindsay Lohan: “I dreammed of being Britney Spears”

Sometimes the dreams tramutano, like for magic, in reality, and often discover that they were not then thus beautiful… It is the case, as an example, of Lindsay Lohan, that it has confessed to have wished, in adolescenziale age, to become like one of the icone of teen the POP to the feminine one, Britney Spears.

“When I had thirteen years, I saw Britney Spears and I dreammed of being like she”, Lindsay has declared. “I from the paparazzi Wanted to be chased also. Then he has happened to me in order indeed. I know, is indeed strange and surrealistic”.

From then it is passed some year and Lindsay has begun to notice than, in reality, to realize its desire it does not have it capacity to the happiness. While, after the end of the history with Samantha Ronson, the Lohan is thinking to change to air and continent, moving itself from New York to London.Hot Celebrity Profiles, Celebrity Biography, Celebrity Pictures

“It appeals to much Notting to Me Hill”, has said. “Often I go to Chelsea with a friend. I would move myself tomorrow also. It appeals to me more to London than New York, you feel yourself there less judged from the persons”.

Also in England, but, Lindsay certainly it will be contornata from paparazzi, in the same way that in the States. Own as it happens, anywhere goes, to Britney…

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