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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Christopher Lee birthday: Happy Birthday Mr. Dracula!

If I have started to look at horror in all its forms and expressions of art becoming a horrorofilo doc (as I hope you could feel six months from now), it owes to an English gentleman of Italian origin named Christopher Franke Carandini Lee or more simply Christopher Lee. 

All my dreams of a child had only one face and character: the Christopher Lee of Dracula. And my personal obsession (but of those from which it was also irresistibly attracted) is not restricted to situations and episodes as oneiric imagined all day to find it somewhere, or emerge out of me when least expected. Then they say that one grows with the sets of horror .. 

Retrace the long career of Christopher Lee is titanic enterprise, I would simply like to point out that Lee its infancy, as most of the players in London, started with the Shakespearean theater, participating in some play with Sir Laurence Olivier. 

Young children will associate his name with that of the wizard Saruman de The Lord of the Rings, but his most famous film and the climax of his career are the dozens and dozens of works for the notorious Hammer Film Productions beginning precisely from Dracula Terence Fisher in 1958, ten years after its precise entry into the world of cinema with wonderful psychological drama The mystery of the mirrors directed by Terence Young (first film for him too). 

The epic Hammer, thanks to the magnetic and charismatic figure of Christopher Lee (and his inseparable friend Peter Cushing), generated a passion for the matrix of Gothic horror in Italy, and that Lee was used by Italian authors to recreate Various' the same atmosphere that is breathed in the British Hammer films, and I remember at least four outstanding opportunities: Hard times for the vampires, the delicious parody signed by Steno, The Virgin of Nuremberg by Antonio Margheriti and the whip and the body of Mario Bava, The Crypt and the nightmare of Camillo Mastrocinque. 

An impressive physicality (1 meters high and 96 cm!) And an impressive sight as "condemned" not only from villain roles, but especially defined film genres such as horror, yellow, thriller, though of course in about 265 films between cinema and television faced some 'all the roles. 

Dracula In addition to Fisher, his life for the film which will be remembered in seculorum secular, there is at least another masterpiece where Christopher Lee offers a spelndida performance without the use of hoods and black canine posticci: The Wicker Man by Robin Hardy, film semisconosciuta and almost forgotten but a rare wonder. I will speak in the next article. 

Meanwhile, remember, was published a fascinating book about Christopher Lee named Christopher Lee Prince of Darkness, edited by Fabio Zanello and published in the series of books Profondo rosso by Luigi Cozzi. 

Ah, I forgot .. for years turns 87, many really .. but what is in front to immortality?

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