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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Katy Perry in version dark sexy lady. The photos

The peperina Katy Perry has undressed the cloth of the girl sbarazzina, putting those of the woman dark. All skin and riding crop with black stockings and top aggressive the Perry, celebre for the song the Kissed to girl, has decided of giving a new image of oneself, emphasizing the part more sexy if us of it were never need. The fan they can therefore admire it in all its splendor on the photos of, but the doubt comes: the fianc2ee thus, has to us? He watches the photos of Katy Perry in version dark lady.

Only friendly, no fianc2ee

Katy Perry in the interview that equips the presentation with its new photos dark, has intentional to emphasize the presence of friends in its life, than they are not absolutely fianc2ees. “If you go to supper with a boy, it does not mean that you are fianc2ee”. The reference is to an eventual one flirt between the Perry and Josh Groban or Benji Madden. But it refutes categorically. And dispiace, to see the photos to us, for the possible candidates. She watches the photos of Katy Perry in version dark

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