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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Paris paschal Hilton sexy coniglietta

Sobria and never over the lines: here a perfect way in order to define the exact contrary of Paris Hilton. Like brought back from Celebgossipz, the inheriting blond woman has celebrated the weekend of Passover with a likeable one party in its mansion, in the course of which, like always, she has given I sfoggio of its stravaganza and an unbridled wish of spassarsela.

Paris has danced over a long time span, dressed from sexy coniglietta, with I wear bustino viola and net stockings and printed in face a smagliante and malicious smile. Beside she, a friend, also he with orecchie from rabbit overhead, decidedly amused from the situation. One has be a matter of a new, resolution, found of the beautiful Paris in order to attract on himself the attention of the average, than in she they have found indeed a gold mine.

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