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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Britney Spears in shorts

The singer is returning newly on the crest of the wave and to we she appeals to always a lot, above all when she is granted to the objectives of the photographers in shorts

It is from a little that it is not spoken about Britney Spears, and in effects it must notice that slowly slowly the former ones enfant prodige of American music is coming shiningly outside from the tunnel in which dangerously entered era. Less evil.


And now we can only speak about its look: a beautiful one pantaloncino of jeans shortest, shorts a lot sexy, with which it took a walk for the roads of Los Angeles. Thus it is possible to admire its photos, its beautiful legs and a form that seems found again finally.


Eccola here then, much beautiful one and sexy. It appeals to us, Britney Spears. And to you?

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