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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I just saw it and it’s absolutely amazing, but like I said, very peculiar.

It’s almost indescribable. I love it though.

I can’t wait to see Melancholia by Lars von Trier tomorrow. I wonder if it’ll touch me the way Antichrist did. I wonder if bright-eyed Kirsten Dunst will be able to play such a role in such a movie. I wonder if it’ll be as good as it looks, or if it’ll be as boring, as some people say it is. But no matter what, you never watch a film of his without being touched in some way. And if you don’t - you haven’t really watched it. You don’t just sit down and watch a Trier-movie. It’s not your typical Jeniffer Aniston and Adam Sandler comedy. I know it sounds so free-spirited and pretentious, but you have to open yourself up to a new and greater experience to really enjoy his work.

For those of you who don’t know I’m currently in Germany for the next couple weeks visiting the fam and celebrating my brother’s graduation from HS - which, btw, I can’t believe is happening, it makes me feel so old!

While I was a little reluctant to come here for two weeks (I know, I know, champagne problems), just because I felt there were several things I needed to stay in Chicago and focus on, which was mainly finding a job, but now I’m thinking it’ll be good for me to get away from the rush of the city, recharge, regroup, and come back guns blazin’!

I wanted to keep a mini-photo diary of my time spent here just to have something to fill my time and my dad has a sweet camera that I want to play around with and possibly steal back to Chicago with me ;)

So Day 1 of my German Adventure was spent shopping around Trier. I love Trier, it is quite possibly my favorite city in Germany so I was super excited to visit again. All the little cafes, boutiques, and brick-covered streets - such a beautiful city…


Click through to see more pictures!

Driving by one of many wind farms:


German countryside under blue skies


Trier from above:


Enjoying the Walkplatz:



I just love the architecture:





And the cafes!



What’s a great way to end a great day? Ice cream.


As they say in Germany - Tschuss!

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Melt-Banana live 2010 Europe (von mattsixsixsix)

live pictures can be found at

at the 2010 folder…

Monday morning… I assumedthat today I was going on an excursionto Trier (Germany) .But I‘m fuckingsick! It reallysucks.I wassoexcited!Butnow I’msick behind the computer and I must be constantlythrowing up.Thisis delicious.=.=”

My head feels like his head now BANG!

I’mverydepressednow,so,I’llcheermyselfand I‘m postingsome happy posts;)
Hope I’m a little better tommorow, because this isn’t funny anymore D:




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