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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Quentin Tarantino reveals: "Brad Pitt gave me of smoking"

A few days ago, Brad Pitt declared that he had consumed cannabis for a short period when young, but has soon stopped. But now comes the revelation of Quentin Tarantino, which dramatically belies the claims by Pitt to feed its reputation as a "good boy".

During an interview with Howard Stern show to promote the film "Inglourious Bastards", which sees its protagonist, the husband of Angelina Jolie, the popular director has said that Pitt is usually smoke occasionally soft drugs to relax.

"Brad gave me cannabis during our recent trip to France," he also said Tarantino. "It happened during a meeting where we discussed the film and his character: at one point, he pulled out a smoke and pieces of it gave me."

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