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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Stars leave in the lesbian

"Yes half of all girls in show business - lesbians! Even if they hide it. Even if they hide it! Yes everybody! During our times it becomes normal. Lesbian activities - the elite privilege, as well as homosexuality. It is not necessary to hesitate of it, these need to be proud"

Just one of these days it has appeared the lesbian eks-Spice Girls Mel Bi...

The first and main passion of the singer became Krista Parker - they have got acquainted at school in which children of both women study. Ms. Parker also has acquainted the singer with Elizabeth Rodriges, the saleswoman of shop of sex toys which became the third in their union. Their relations have begun in 2005. And for this time Mel Bi has had time to please the press with the novel from Eddi Murphy who has led to known consequences, and wedding with producer Stephen Belafonte. However, by words, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Rodriguez, it at all has not interrupted their triple relations which have come to the end more recently. Moreover, according to Ms. Parker, they slept together even then when the singer was on the eighth month of pregnancy...

Hardly earlier on the Internet there were juicy pictures Britni Spirs...

Seminude mother of two children had a good time in pool with the former assistant. At the desire of girls from pool have expelled all other visitors that It is smoothfaced and Shennon could enjoy caresses each other in full loneliness …

However, school friend Britni has informed, that lesbians bents were showed at it in the childhood: "She likes to experiment and takes a great interest in different people. To it not important man it or the woman - it excites only their sexuality …"

Also in one fine day girlfriend David Bekhema, it intended the mistress has been noticed in discrediting communications...

With revelations about private life of the former assistant of English football player Rebekki Lus which asserted, that ostensibly had the novel with it, its former girlfriend TV presenter Emma Besden has acted..

And after all this romantic history so deduced from itself Victoria!.

Actress Lindsey Lohan...

She has hinted at the true orientation, publicly having shown a passionate kiss with designer Donna Karen...

Apparently, Lindsay receives huge pleasure from kisses with women, the press has noted...

And Sintija Nixon, played one of leading roles in a serial "Sex in the big city", even has thanked representatives of the press that they "were not overzealous in illumination of its private life".

The actress who has played a role of one of "musketeers in skirts" - lawyer Mirandy Hobbs, - in 2003 has left the civil husband and began to live with the woman. The press suited from this the present sensation, greedily telling that a star "Sex..." Now has sex with lesbian Christina Marinoni...

Today Nixon recognises, that the hysteria has a little jarred on it, however to savouring details business is not has reached. Really, with headings about relations of the actress with the woman title pages of all newspapers dazzled, but intimate details was not informed.

And here the lesbian and top model Jenni Shimizu has spoilt blood to half of inhabitants of a star kingdom...

She has told to grateful listeners about novels at least with five star ladies...

The first madam Shimizu had a Madonna...

As Kelvina Klein's 38-year-old model has told, after the first meeting with the queen of pop both of them have blazed with improbable passion. "The Madonna has invited me to a supper. After which I have appeared at her place. But that evening has occurred nothing. After two days we have gone on a party which has ended with bed. From 14 years it was my idol but who could think, that after years I will kiss its magnificent body! I became its sex slave, the girl on a call which on its one call appeared at any time nearby and satisfied secret imaginations!."

However, the Madonna from without passionate top model suspected about advantage of female love, - for career... Here it kisses with Britni...

And then with Aguillera...

To the second has got Angelina Jolie ...It was at it simultaneously with the Madonna...

Except Jolie and Madonnas Shimizu it was possible to drag in bed supermodel Naomi Kempbel and not taken place mistress David Bekhema Rebekku Lus whom we mentioned above...

By the way speaking, said, that loved young girls and Whitney Houston - in days of the problems with alcohol and drugs...

Could not stand aside of such general hobby and founders of a serial "Simpsons"... One of sisters Marge, Patty became the Lesbian...

Having been disappointed in men who constantly offended and deceived her, Patty gives in to courtings in one of bars of Springfield and finds the present love. The Homere who hates sisters of the wife, first stays in horror, but then becomes the priest and crowns Patty and its girl-friend...

But if you think, that all it has begun literally yesterday you deeply are mistaken... To the First scandalousness in a field and an agiotage on a field of sexual predilections there was Marlene Dietrich...

Even film critics of those times noticed, that Marlene could be simultaneously and the lesbian and heterosexual...

It was simultaneously and brawny both is womanly, and named it "the most stylish man of Hollywood"...

Its extraordinary beauty equally excited both men, and women, both gays, and lesbians. It so safely broke borders of floors, as any star to it, and very much the few - after. And it always treated favourably talents of the finest blonde of Hollywood - Merelin Monroe...

However, the beauty declared, that had communication with the woman only once in a life...

About it told to the world somebody of Matthew Smith who have written the next most truthful book about Monroe. He asserted, that to it audio records which were kept a secret all this time have got. Apparently, they have been made in private clinic where Marilyn restored the health undermined by alcohol and barbiturates. And so, Marilyn Monroe informed on the lesbian experience with actress Dzhoan Crawford...

Obviously, being in full confidence, that these records will be never promulgated, the actress frankly tells that has occurred between it and Crawford. "I to it have told directly, that I do not like to do it with the woman. After I have rejected it, Joan have become angry", - words Marilyn sound.

Besides the story about unsuccessful attempt something to change in orientation (as would tell now), the Norm Gin admits that was mistaken, marrying for Joe Di Madzho (the second husband of Monroe, a baseball star).

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